Monday, August 23, 2010

Ink Bloom gets 4 out fo 5 from Imagine FX

ImagineFX, the best art magazine around, gave Ink Bloom 4 out of 5 stars. Here's what they had to say.

"We first heard of the idea for a narrative-led tutorial art book about two years ago, and we're pleased to say that it's been worth the wait. This one tells the story of Hachi, a half-Japanese, half-Chinese teen living in 50's America. After getting a tattoo, she's thrown into a world of weird creatures and sci-fi adventures, with Jim and Chris taking it in turn to reconstruct important scenes.
Although this book is aimed at traditionalists, intermediate digital artists will find plenty in it to inspire them. The combined pulling power of an epic story and detailed art instruction provides a unique, engrossing title."

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ink Bloom DVD Preview

Here's a sample of the 72 minute DVD that accompanies Ink Bloom: Draw & Paint a Fantasy Adventure. We filmed in little over 2 hours and I had no script! I improvised my entire outline. It was tough to come up with things to say on the spot. Hope you enjoy it!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Palette featured on Blog

Fellow fantasy artist Aaron Miller has a fantastic blog about artists palettes! From classical to contemporary artists, Aaron's blog runs the gamete. This week he featured my palette, paints and mediums. I've had this palette for 10 years so it's got loads of character! Check it out! Here's the link.

Thanks Aaron!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ink Bloom @ Gen Con Indy!

WOW!! What a great con! This year Jim and I went all out on our booth space in artists alley. It was great to see the response Ink Bloom received by the fans. Our peers were most impressed with the amount of art and level of quality the book had. A special thanks to those who bought this labor of love. It was great to do a Ninja Mountain Pod cast just dedicated to the book. Jim and I could talk about it for hours. So a special thanks goes out to Jeremy and his handy little recording device! Also would like to thank Gen Con Live for the on camera interview as well. I was hossing down lunch so I probably had mayo on my face!

The art work this year was amazing! Judging the show was probably the hardest thing I've had to do. All great stuff! Congrats guys! You all deserve it!

Until next time!
